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The post 15 Most Dangerous Creatures in the World! appeared first on Blind Side.


We are here on the Blind Side, The world is a pretty dangerous place. There are wars, precarious places to visit, not to mention violent people. And then there are the animals that were probably here first, and wouldn’t mind letting us know it. From a snake we like to call a nope rope, to a frog that can take down ten grown men, here are 15 of the most dangerous creatures in the world.

15. Giant Centipede

The fear point of this creature is in the name: giant centipede. It’s massive when you compare it to other centipedes, and its legs don’t make it look any less terrifying, either. But it’s not so much its size that makes this critter one of the most dangerous animals in the world: it’s the toxins it has within.

Giant centipedes use their fangs near their mouths to inject toxins into their prey. They can also use their legs, which make tiny incisions into skin or bodies. Any lizard, cockroach, insect, or arachnid that the centipede targets as lunch will be injected with a type of venom that paralyzes it and deems it unable to move before it’s eaten.

If a human gets bit, the venom can cause pain, swelling, skin necrosis, headaches, nausea, dizziness, muscle damage, kidney failure, and heart attacks. Of course, the latter is at the rarer end of the scale.

Up until recently, scientists didn’t know what was in the venom, or how it made it capable of taking down rodents, toads, snakes, lizards, and most creatures around 15 times their size. They purified the toxins from the golden head centipede that lives in eastern Asia, then tested them one by one.

They managed to identify one called Ssm Spooky Toxin, which shuts down the channels in the body that push potassium through your cells. These channels are vital for bodily functions such as your heart rate and brain waves. Now that they know the likely problem toxin, they can work on an antidote. Until then, notice the bright colors of the centipede and stay well away from it!

14. Pufferfish

You don’t have to be a marine expert to have heard of the pufferfish. Most people learn from a young age what this fish is, how to identify it, and why you should stay away from it. There are over 120 different species, and they all boast different characteristics. They can live in saltwater, freshwater, or brackish water, which is a mixture of both. They can be as small as a few inches or as large as several feet.

When pufferfish feel under threat, they puff up – hence the name. Some have spines to ward off other fish, but many other marine species know that this fish doesn’t provide the best dinner. Not only do they taste dreadful, but they are toxic and can kill whoever dines on them. Humans included. Even though pufferfish is a delicacy in Japan, it is only prepared and served by licensed and trained chefs who know how to remove the toxins before serving.

The pufferfish have enough venom to end the lives of around 30 humans, and there is no known antidote. Even though this fish is intriguing, it’s one you are going to want to observe from afar.

13. Black Mamba Snake

Around 20,000 people lose their lives to snake bites in Africa every year, and you can nearly guarantee that the Black Mamba snake is to blame for many of them. This brown, olive, and gray snake, which grows to around 14 feet long, is one of the world’s deadliest snakes.

It’s aggressive, fierce, and fast. It’s known as the fastest land snake in the world, the longest venomous snake in Africa, and the second-longest in the world. And best for last, it takes no prisoners.

If you threaten a Black Mamba snake, which gets its name from its black mouth, you’re bound to be in serious trouble. This snake will strike repeatedly and injects venom with every attack launch. It will give you a warning first as a common courtesy by opening its mouth, but then it’s time to run.

Unfortunately, this nope rope can slither faster than most people can sprint at 12 miles per hour, so you’re going to want to put on your best Usain Bolt speed when you come across this snake in Africa.

12. Tse Tse Fly

A fly. Harmless, right? After all, flies buzz around you every day, and you live to tell the tale. That might be the case with most flies, but not the Tse Tse variety.

The Tse Tse fly’s bite is not so much dangerous as uncomfortable. Instead of inserting its mouth into your skin as a mosquito would do, it uses its tiny serrated teeth to saw into your skin and suck out your blood. This process can hurt and sting, but even then, it’s not the bite that makes it dangerous, but the diseases it can carry.

One of the most common diseases for this insect to carry is human African trypanosomiasis, more commonly known as the sleeping sickness. It’s a neglected disease that has not had a lot of research and funds thrown into it but has been responsible for thousands of cases and a myriad of deaths.

It causes fever, headaches, and tired muscles, and then it spreads to your brain. While it can be treated, it can be fatal once it reaches the brain – and treatment at this stage is more detrimental than beneficial.

Hundreds of thousands of people came down with the sleeping disease in the 20th century, but it was under control by the 1960s. However, there have been plenty of outbreaks since. Fortunately, better screening and management see a few thousand cases every year, rather than a few hundred thousand, and there are hopes that it will be eradicated by 2020.

11. Blue-Ringed Octopus


The blue-ringed octopus looks like an innocent creature of the ocean. It’s brightly-colored, small, and just relaxes on coral reefs and in shallow tide pools. But it’s only a matter of time before this octopus shows its true colors, and it’s in the form of a blue ring.

When a blue-ringed octopus feels threatened, vibrant blue rings will form on its body to warn you off. At this point, you need to back away! Its venom is around 1,000 times more potent than cyanide and can take down around 26 humans with it.

If you are bitten, you may not feel it, for its bite is generally painless. But it’s the symptoms that follow that will let you know that you have been. You may feel nauseous before you experience vision loss, muscle numbness, and a loss of your motor skills and senses. Muscle paralysis then leads to respiratory arrest, with the only known cure to begin artificial respiration immediately.

While there’s a chance that humans will survive a blue-ringed octopus attack, its prey isn’t so lucky. Creatures it sees as food, such as crabs, small fish, and shrimp, don’t stand a chance. The octopus will peck through its exoskeleton and insert its venom to begin the muscle paralysis process. While the creature is paralyzed, the octopus will pull off all its meat until only the shell remains.

There hasn’t been a human fatality since the 1960s, so let’s keep it that way. The blue-ringed octopus is a marine creature you should observe from a safe distance.

10. Cassowary

Who would have thought that a simple bird could cause so much chaos and destruction? In the case of a cassowary, it’s not unexpected. This violent emu-like bird is one that takes no prisoners and has been responsible for human fatalities. It has also taken down dogs, cats, other birds, and virtually any other animal that gets in its way or territory.

The cassowary can peck, head-butt, kick, and barge. They are even more dangerous if you are on the ground, lying down, have your back to them, or are bending over. Even casually walking past them and looking at them the wrong way can see them unleash a barrage of Jackie Chan moves. This bird is not one you’ll want to cross – even if it’s in a good move.

If it sees its own reflection in the glass, it will smash its way through it to end the threat, and the injuries you can sustain are quite fierce. Puncture wounds, bone fractures, and severe lacerations go hand in hand with a cassowary attack.

Dogs and cats are frequent victims of a cassowary, but there have also been cases of attacks on cows and horses as well. Essentially, nothing is safe if a cassowary has woken up on the wrong side of the bed. Anyone who keeps this bird captive also learns quickly not to house it with other species. The safest thing you can do is not to keep them at all. Or even look at them the wrong way.

9. Rhinoceros


Most people who have the rewarding experience of seeing a rhinoceros will remark at how docile they seem. They keep to themselves and are primarily solitary creatures that don’t interact with others of their kind – or any other animals. But if you place them in a potentially dangerous situation, then don’t expect the rhino to take it lying down.

Because they have poor eyesight, they have unpredictable behavior. If they sense a threat, they move into self-defense mode. They protect themselves, their young, and other rhinos around them. During the two years that their calves stay with them, they are hyper-vigilant and will even ward off lions who try to indulge in a rhino baby entrée.

Fortunately, this animal is peaceful for the most part, but they are endangered. Out of all potential predators, the human is the worst – with rhino horns seen as valuable enough to end this beautiful creature’s life for.

8. Great White Shark

The Great White Shark forms the plot of many horror marine movies. They are seen as ferocious, terrifying, and vicious sea creatures that will maim without any prewarning. Even though there are up to ten shark attacks every year, researchers believe it’s curiosity that sees them take a bite of humans, rather than malicious intent.

Great White Sharks prefer to dine on fish and rays when they are young but move up to whales, seals, and lions once they reach maturity. They often get their prey by positioning themselves underneath them, then attacking from below with their seven rows of 300 triangular-shaped teeth.

Along with their bite, their sense of smell is quite powerful too. One drop of blood is enough for them to sense dinner from a long way off. They can even smell seals around two miles from the colony.

The Great White Shark lives in cool, coastal waters and can swim at speeds of up to 37 miles per hour. They also grow to around 15 feet long and are thus considered the largest predatory fish. Even though these sharks don’t always attack humans when they see them, there’s no reason to take the risk. Shark-infested waters are most certainly not where you want to spend your free time.  

7. Saltwater Crocodiles


Saltwater crocs are the largest living reptiles, measuring in at an average of 16 feet and around 1,100 pounds. They are adaptable to all environments and can live in most bodies of water – including the ocean, where they can swim hundreds of miles to get to their destination.

Their adaptability and ferociousness are what make the saltwater croc one of the most dangerous creatures in the world. They live in bodies of water from northern Australia through to Asia, and they can take down any animal that stands in their way. Sharks, humans, fish, birds, and mammals are all on the menu.

The saltwater crocodile is even a threat when it’s asleep. It sleeps with one eye open, with half its brain awake and alert to danger, and the other side getting some much-needed rest. There’s no way you’d be able to sneak up on this restless reptile.

They also live for several years, so there is plenty of time for them to finetune their preying tactics. Most live to more than 65 years old, and some are well over a century old. Fast on water and land, many a human has been gobbled up by this critter. It’s best to stay away from any body of water where these creatures could be hiding.

6. Hippopotamus

If you see a hippopotamus in a children’s book, they are rotund, gentle-looking creatures that wallow in water all day without a care in the world. The reality is really quite different. Hippos are aggressive, fast, and unpredictable. They have no qualms about taking down everything from cattle to children. Nothing is out of reach.

Hippos live in pods or bloats and have large teeth and even more giant mouths to hold them. When you see them yawn, it’s not fatigue that’s causing it. Their yawn is a way to show their aggression, and they battle it out with other hippos regularly.

Anything they perceive as a threat is not safe when a hippo is around. They have been known to charge at happily grazing cows, and about 3,000 people lose their lives to these unpredictable and rotund creatures annually. They can run at speeds of around 14 miles per hour, and even took down an entire school boat of children in Niger. A villager and 12 children lost their lives. The hippo might look like a picture of peace, but it’s far from it.

5. Deathstalker Scorpion

Something that only measures up to three inches long and 2.5 grams in weight doesn’t seem like it will be all that much of a threat. It’s no hippo, that’s for sure. But the deathstalker scorpion, also known as the Palestinian Yellow Scorpion, is an equal a fear as a Great White Shark or a charging rhinoceros.

They live in North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, and tend to prefer an area with high temperatures, such as arid and semi-arid deserts. They also feed on most other insects of the same or smaller size and carry out their grocery shopping at night.

While they tend to stick with small creatures for dinner, that doesn’t mean this frightful little scorpion isn’t capable of taking on you or me. A sting from the deathstalker scorpion is not only painful but potentially fatal. It can see the death of older adults and children and causes both heart issues and pulmonary edemas. This fluid build-up in the lungs can be fatal.  

This animal might not be the largest in the animal kingdom, but there’s no denying it’s one of the most dangerous.

4. Box Jellyfish

Getting stung by a box jellyfish is like playing a game of Russian roulette. Even though they are one of the most dangerous creatures in the world, not all species carry the venom that can see you swimming with the fishes. But you are not going to want to take any risks.

The largest box jellyfish of the venomous variety can grow up to one-foot long and thick, with tentacles as long as ten feet. These tentacles are covered with poison-loaded darts that take no prisoners. One attack by a box jellyfish can and will cause your heart to stop, and there are very few cases of survival.

A ten-year-old Australian girl did survive an attack, but marine biologists and doctors are baffled as to how.

Those who are attacked by box jellyfish experience a range of symptoms before they eventually succumb to their injuries. Paralysis, cardiac arrest, and death are all standard. It is thought that more than 100 people are fatally injured every year, but the lack of detailed death certificates in places with the largest box jellyfish population could see this figure dramatically underestimated.

Most of the lethal varieties are found in northern Australia and Indo-Pacific regions, so maybe steer clear of these areas if you want to reduce your risk of coming into close contact with them!

3. Golden Poison Dart Frog


The golden poison dart frog from Northern South America looks innocent, but don’t be fooled. This angelic amphibian is anything but innocent. Even at no more than 2.5 inches long, they can take down ten grown men with their venom and are thought to be one of the most poisonous animals in the world.

The golden poison dart frog has poison glands within its skin, and the poison is called batrachotoxin. When it enters your bloodstream, it causes paralysis, followed by death. Smaller animals that end up as victims suffer from respiratory paralysis, seizures, skyrocketing blood pressure, followed by death. Both young and old golden poison dart frogs are dangerous and should not be approached. This is one frog you are not going to want to kiss, for you won’t meet a prince, but your maker instead.

2. Inland Taipan

You may have picked up a common theme here, that several dangerous animals live in Australia. We’re about to add another one – the inland Taipan.

The Inland Taipan is a venomous snake in central east Australia. It lives in semi-arid areas and is the most toxic of any sea or land snake. One bite with 110 milligrams of venom is enough to end the lives of 250,000 mice or around 100 human adults. Left untreated, survival time is about 45 minutes for an adult.

Fortunately, even though the inland Taipan is not a snake you would want to mess with, it’s not about to attack unprovoked. It’s a shy snake and prefers to slither away from trouble rather than face it head-on. If it does sense trouble, it will fire a warning shot first. It arcs up in the shape of an S. If that warning is ignored, it unleashes a barrage of accurate and fierce lunges that can take down almost any animal.

The Inland Taipan will grow up to around six feet long, but there have been some found that are even as long as eight feet. If you see a dark tan or brown and green snake slithering around near you, there’s every reason to believe it’s a Taipan, and that you should stay well away!

1. Cone Snail

Nickelodeon’s Spongebob Square Pants taught us that snails are harmless creatures that you can keep as pets and give human names, such as Gary. But the cone snail derails that story entirely.

The cone snail, which lives in bodies of water around Indonesia, Hawaii, and the Caribbean, is a slow-moving but fast-attacking sea creature that lounges around coral reefs and sea beds. It feeds on marine worms, other snails, and fish, and uses a needle-like proboscis to inject venom into its prey. This venom has pain-killing analgesic properties, which means that if you’re stung, you’re unlikely to feel it.

Cone snails don’t seek out humans, but they will attack when provoked. Divers are the more frequent victims, for they may accidentally stand on them while diving. Even the strongest diving gloves are no match for the injection of a cone snail, for they are adept at breaking through the hard shells of sea creatures.

Even days after the attack, you may still not know you have been attacked by a cone snail. You might only feel numbness and tingling. There is no anti-venom, but you can prevent the spread of the toxins by trying to remove them from the injection site.

Even a few microliters of this venom is enough to end the lives of up to ten people. Fortunately, there have only been a few dozen deaths. Scientists are currently studying the poison to see if it can isolate its painkilling properties for future use. Hopefully, in this process, they stumble across an antidote.


So, there you have it, folks. Here are 15 of the many dangerous animals out there that you are best to avoid! Can you think of any others? Have you come across any of these on your travels and adventures? Also, check out our other cool stuff showing up on the screen now. See you next time.

The post 15 Most Dangerous Creatures in the World! first appeared on Blind Side.

The post 15 Most Dangerous Creatures in the World! appeared first on Blind Side.

https://blindside.me/15-most-dangerous-creatures-in-the-world/places/feed/ 0 25-15-Most-Dangerous-Creatures-In-The-World puffer-fish-blow-fish-getty-stock-1 Sy4bs2GYnLRUhxEYk7jnWm-1200-80 Tsetse-fly 086f1f29-1164-4f93-a25c-8ed7de492311 cassowary-header-2_tcm25-568945 maxresdefault-8 White_shark SaltwaterCrocodileMaximo unnamed 1200px-Deathstalker_ST_07 Avispa_marina_cropped Schrecklicherpfeilgiftfrosch-01 1200px-Fierce_Snake-Oxyuranus_microlepidotus animals-1
15 Dangerous Animals You Should Run Away From https://blindside.me/15-dangerous-animals-you-should-run-away-from/places/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=15-dangerous-animals-you-should-run-away-from https://blindside.me/15-dangerous-animals-you-should-run-away-from/places/#respond Sat, 04 Apr 2020 06:44:14 +0000 http://blindside.me/?p=1623 Most people say, with a bit of a jocular attitude, that if you see them...

The post 15 Dangerous Animals You Should Run Away From first appeared on Blind Side.

The post 15 Dangerous Animals You Should Run Away From appeared first on Blind Side.

Most people say, with a bit of a jocular attitude, that if you see them running, something is chasing them. And we tell you what, after learning about these animals, you’d be sprinting if they ever gave chase. From an aggressive fish that will make you stay out of the water for good to a deadly octopus that means business, here are 15 dangerous animals you should run away from. 

15. Venomous Puss Caterpillars

Why does everything cute, cuddly, and fluffy, want to see you in extreme pain? All you want to do is cuddle and pat this little critter, but doing so can cause severe pain

If you feel like grabbing a venomous puss caterpillar from its resting place on a branch, repeat after me: foe, not friend; foe, not friend; foe, not friend. 

The puss caterpillar, which goes by the name of Asp or southern flannel moth caterpillar, is quite a large insect that’s covered in a furry coat. But rather than feature soft, fine hairs that cause no harm, these furs are spines that break off in your skin, cause hematoma bruising, and enough pain that even morphine can’t get rid of it. 

They are endemic to the southern US, but they have also now been found in South Carolina, Texas, and Florida. 

The worst part about being in contact with a venomous puss caterpillar is that it doesn’t feel like it’s hurting you straight away. Instead, the pain builds up as the tiny spines dig their way into your skin. 

If you ever find yourself in contact with one, don’t be in a hurry to brush it off you frantically. Carefully lift it with tweezers or a branch, then carefully remove your clothing and shower. This is one creature you don’t want to have any evidence of left on you. 

14. Amblypygi 

First of all, the name of this creature needs more vowels, for it’s hard enough to say, let alone find yourself face to face with. The… amblypygi, which roughly translates to rump blunt due to the lack of a tail, is not a spider, nor is it a scorpion. It’s a bit of both, and we don’t know if that makes it more or less terrifying. 

If the amblypygi looks familiar, then you’d be right. Any Harry Potter fans in the house will remember it from the scene in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, where Professor Moody used the Imperio curse on it and made it dance. 

Fortunately, this critter, which can be classed as a whip spider, doesn’t have any venom, nor do they build any webs. They do have a pretty scary pair of claws though, and they know how to use them.

The amblypygi has a flat body, eight legs, and giant pincers they use to catch prey. They also have eight eyes, but their vision isn’t all that great. 

If you’re going to go out looking for one, and we suggest you don’t because they look terrifying, then you’ll find them in subtropical and tropical regions. Just don’t get too close, for their bite really does pack a punch. 

13. Goliath Birdeater

First of all, we’re going to clear something up. The goliath birdeater is indeed a giant spider. But it’s not a bird eater. It might eat birds if nothing else is available, and can devour them without any problems at all, but it wouldn’t be its first choice. Got it? Good, now here’s why you’ll be likely to run away from this creepy crawly. 

The goliath birdeater is not your average spider that you’d welcome into your home to take care of the insects. Not only does it weigh up to six ounces, but it has a leg span of nearly one foot. Imagine that taking up residence in a web in the corner of your bedroom? 

The female tarantula can also live up to 20 years, while the male’s lifespan is a little less optimistic at just six years. 

They dine on frogs and rodents and have harpoon-shaped hairs with stinging barbs. These hairs are rubbed together and fired towards the skin and eyes of anyone and anything that tries to do it harm. But its defense response is not the most terrifying thing of all. 

The goliath birdeater has inch-long fangs that pump neurotoxins into its prey. It then follows up this process by liquefying its dinner’s insides before beginning the digestion process. Good luck trying to sleep tonight. 

12. Giant African Land Snail 

A snail, dangerous? We know, it sounds ridiculous. We wouldn’t say this gastropod is dangerous to humans, but it’s dangerous to our crops and agriculture industry, which makes it not very welcome at all here in the US. 

The giant African land snail is one of the largest of its kind, growing up to almost eight inches long and four inches tall. It lives in many different countries around the world, but it tends to thrive in hot and humid conditions. 

While it’s not going to pin you down and devour you whole, it is going to cause chaos wherever it slithers to. It loves plants and will decimate crops and greenery of around 500 different types. It’s highly invasive and also breeds quite rapidly. They can hatch about 1,200 eggs per year with a survival rate of 90 percent. 

They are also quite terrifying to look at, especially if you’re a little bit squirmy with insects. They have a brown, red, and yellow-ish shell and a slug-like body beneath it. They even have tiny teeth so that they can scrape their food before they tuck in. 

So, while not dangerous in the traditional sense, this insect is still not for the weak-stomached. 

11. Goliath Tigerfish

If you enjoy sleeping and having sweet dreams, then skip this part – or maybe watch a video on unicorns or something. The goliath tigerfish is an aggressive, terrifying, and huge fish that’s not afraid to show you who’s boss. 

It’s an African fish that can weigh over 110 pounds and can even grow up to around five feet tall. Basically, it’s the size of a child. But unlike children, this fish is vicious. It exhibits exceptionally violent predatory behavior and is not afraid to fight back if it feels under threat. 

It has a mouth full of dagger-like teeth, a muscular body, and a taste for crocs. That’s right; if it finds a crocodile that’s small enough, it will have it for dinner. And it doesn’t just eat it daintily, either. It will literally tear it apart with its razor-sharp teeth. Sounds delightful, doesn’t it? 

They hunt in packs, are excellent swimmers, and will decimate a fishing rod should you happen to catch one. Fortunately, they spend more time hunting than breeding, which means they are not a population of fish that are about to overrun rivers and lakes. Still, they are a fish that will send you running for dry land, that’s for sure. 

10. Tiger 

A tiger is a dangerous animal that you’ll definitely want to run away from, but will running do you any good? This big cat will win against you in the water – for it’s a good swimmer – and it will undoubtedly win against you on the land. After all, its hind legs are longer than its front ones, which means it can leap 20-30 feet in just one jump.

If you still think you can get away, then know that they can also sneak up on you out of nowhere, thanks to their giant padded feet. They hunt at night – so there’s no thinking that you can slink away in the darkness, and they are fiercely protective of their cubs. 

What might swing in your favor, though, is that they are only successful in capturing prey once in every 10 to 20 attempts. Those odds are pretty good for the average human. In saying that, they will eat around 88 pounds of meat in one sitting and will stay with anything they kill until they’ve picked it clean. 

There’s also no chance you can overpower them, either, for they are the third-largest land carnivore and weigh up to 660 pounds. If you find yourself in tiger territory, we’ve got our fingers crossed for you, because it’s not looking good. 

9. Cone Snail

Gary, the snail from Spongebob Squarepants, may look harmless, but if he’s a cone snail, then he’s a cold-blooded murderer. The cone snail is a six-inch sea critter that lives in reefs in the Indo-Pacific. They have brown and white shells and, believe it or not, feed on fish. 

So, how on earth does a small snail manage to bring down a fish? Well, the answer will see your water exploits limited to the bathtub from here on in. They are venomous. And not just a little bit, but a whole lot. They are the most toxic of over 500 cone snail species and have several human deaths to answer for. 

They use an awful harpoon-like tooth to deliver the venom, which causes paralysis. There is also no way to cure it, other than try to keep the sufferer alive until the toxin wears off.

But it’s not all bad news. There is potential in the research world for the venom of a cone snail to form part of pain-killing drugs. So far, it has been proven to be ten times more powerful than morphine. Researchers just have to figure out how to make sure it doesn’t kill anyone in the process. 

8. Japanese Giant Hornet 

If you went around biting people until their organs failed, ripping the heads off people, and dismembering their bodies, then you’d probably end up in jail or death row. But the Japanese giant hornet gets away with it, and they are definitely a dangerous animal that you’re not going to want to get close to. 

They are twice the size of a normal hornet, and probably twice as grumpy, too. Their venom can be fatal, and they have a long stinger and mandibles that allow them to tear their prey apart – literally. Sounds like a delightful insect, right? 

What they do have going for them is that they are quite pretty. They have black, yellow, orange, and brown coloring, yellow bands, and dramatic, broad wings. But their looks won’t win them any kudos with those they are trying to hunt down. 

They can fly at speeds of 25 miles per hour, and they are incredibly aggressive. If you happen to stumble across a Japanese giant hornet nest, then all we can say is BE CALM! Running will only cause them to take up chase and attack. 

Up to 40 people lose their life to giant hornets every year, with most deaths caused by anaphylactic shock. However, their venom can also cause death as it can chew through tissue and decimate red blood cells. Want to avoid being stung? Stay inside. 

7. Polar Bears

Polar bears look cute and cuddly. They may even offer a false sense of security with the way they plod daintily around on the ice. But they are still a dangerous animal that you should run away from. They are not the most vicious or confrontational bear, so that’s nice to know, but they have a particular set of attributes that would see them win out in a battle of human vs. polar bear. 

Firstly, they’re great swimmers. They aren’t called marine mammals for no reason at all. They spend much of their life in the sea ice, which means they’ll beat you in a freestyle race with no problems.

Even if you consider yourself a decent swimmer, their heft will likely see you lose in a fight, anyway. They can weigh as much as ten men, or around 1,700 pounds, and up to nearly ten feet tall. 

Fortunately for us, but not for them, they don’t have much luck with food. Fewer than two percent of their hunting expeditions result in food, and they often settle for small mammals, vegetation, birds, and eggs. 

Still, would you really want to try your luck in a fight against a polar bear? Probably not. 

6. Assassin Caterpillar

The everyday caterpillar is dangerous enough, but usually only from an agricultural perspective. Sure, their fur can be quite irritating, but that’s typically as far as it goes. The assassin caterpillar, however, is a dangerous animal you should run away from. You’re not going to like what this creepy critter has in store for you.

The assassin caterpillar is responsible for many deaths every year. As they blend into the rainforests of southern Brazil, they can be hard to spot until it’s too late. 

Their bristles, which look like tiny spears, have an anti-coagulant venom, which can cause bleeding, red blood cell rupture, and vomiting with just the slightest brush against them. The worst part is, if you touch one by accident, you usually end up feeling more than one. And, if that’s the case, renal failure, internal hemorrhaging, and death are common. 

If you find yourself adventuring through southern Brazil, then be on the lookout. Don’t touch the bark on any trees, and consider visiting in a colder month of the year. Otherwise, this dangerous critter could wind up ending your life. 

This link provided by the researcher bears no relevance at all to the assassin caterpillar so I used the video + my own research

5.  Amazonian Giant Centipede? 

Why is it that everything in the shape of a snake wants us dead? If it’s not snakes themselves, it’s caterpillars and centipedes. Can’t we all just get along? The Amazonian giant centipede is an aggressive, grumpy, and unfriendly insect that’s both giant and venomous. It grows up to 12 inches long and has a pair of legs on each of the 21-23 sections of its body. That’s a lot of legs.

But don’t get too caught up in counting legs, for you’ll need to use your own to run away from them! The Amazonian giant centipede may not have the best eyesight, but they sure know how to eat. They devour birds, snakes, bats, tarantulas, frogs, and lizards, and they will slice and dice their victims until they’re in bite-sized pieces. 

If that’s not bad enough, then the venom they release is. It’s that toxic that it can kill small animals and can affect humans too. Anyone who has been bitten by an Amazonian giant centipede can find themselves with fatigue, a chill, fever, pain, and swelling. While death is unlikely, it’s still not a comfortable experience. If you see an Amazonian giant centipede on your travels through South America, then run

4. Scorpions 

Scorpions are pretty interesting animals, but they are also ones that won’t make you want to get up close and personal with them. Firstly, let’s touch on what makes them interesting, and then we’ll move on to why you should stay as far away from them as possible.

They’re pretty damn resilient. They have been around for at least 400 million years, and each scorpion’s lifespan is around a quarter of a century. They can live for about one year without food and will even survive underwater for up to two days. That’s pretty impressive. 

They also glow in the dark, which can be really helpful in trying to locate them. All you need is a UV light and you can work out if you’ve got an infestation around your property or not. 

But here’s where they turn from impressive to downright terrifying. They are venomous. They have a needle-like point on their tail that delivers venom. How much venom it produces depends on how badly it wants to kill.  

Fortunately, being stung by a scorpion doesn’t mean you’re planning your funeral. It’s not comfortable, but there is an antivenom available. There are also only a few scorpion species, like the Arizona bark scorpion, that can produce a fatal sting. 

3. Portuguese Man O’ War

The Portuguese Man O’ War will blow your mind, but even though it’s intriguing, that doesn’t mean you should get up close and personal with them. They look like jellyfish, but they are anything but. Instead, they are a siphonophore, which is not so much one critter but several in one. 

The siphonophore starts life as an egg, then creates several organisms that group together into a mass. They can’t survive on their own, so one Portuguese Man O’ War can consist of dozens – all the way up to thousands of organisms. 

They live in the warmer oceans around the world, like the Pacific, and their favorite pastimes include stinging humans. Yep, that’s right; they’re pretty awful. 

Thousands of people are stung by the Portuguese Man O’ War every year, which causes elevated heart rates, red welts, vomiting, and muscle cramps. In some cases, it can even cause death. If you’re heading to the beach any time soon, don’t be in too much of a hurry to approach anything that slightly resembles a jellyfish. You may not like what you find. 

2. Komodo Dragon 

Komodo dragons are the biggest living lizards on earth, and they have some pretty interesting skillsets and features that may make you want to learn more about them. But for the sake of your safety, it’s best to learn about them in books, not by seeing them in person.

For many years, Komodo dragons were thought to have deadly bacteria in their spit that could bring down a water buffalo, and that was a terrifying thought. However, upon closer inspection, scientists found that instead of deadly bacteria, they had venom glands. Probably not any better, if we’re being honest. 

A bite from the Komodo dragon could cause blood loss, paralysis, tissue damage, pain, and an inability to clot. Water buffalo – and other animals – don’t stand a chance when a Komodo dragon is around.

Humans are not exempt from unfortunate encounters, either. Aside from the fact they can consume around 80 percent of their body weight in one sitting, they can also take care of humans – and not in the caring, kind way. 

At least four people have lost their lives in the last 50 years to a Komodo dragon attack. Fortunately, they prefer to raid graves than eat live humans, which is why Indonesians often cover their loved ones’ graves with rocks. 

They look harmless, but the Komodo dragon has a few cards up its sleeve that you don’t want to see them play.  

1. Blue-Ringed Octopus 

Awwww. Look at it. It’s so cute. It’s tiny, beautiful, vibrant, and flits around the ocean so daintily that you would never expect it to be dangerous. But newsflash, the blue-ringed octopus is one of the deadliest octopus (octopi?) in the world. 

They carry enough poison to kill 26 people, but you may not even know you’ve been bitten. Their painless bite causes two small puncture wounds, and it’s a race against time to get rid of the tetrodotoxin from your body while fighting paralysis, heart failure, nausea, respiratory distress, and blindness. Sounds like a good time all-around. 

Fortunately, attacks are rare. Most occur when humans accidentally stand on them in the ocean, and when the octopus feels threatened. If death does occur, it’s due to a lack of oxygen. CPR can often bring that victim back to life who can then make a full recovery. Still, is it not a better option just to stay away from the water? 

The worst part is, they don’t just use one type of venom, but two. The first one is from the saliva, which incapacitates its prey, but doesn’t kill them. They then go back and kill the victim with the second dose. One is a defense venom, while one is a murderous one. We’re pretty sure they won’t be making too many friends in the ocean. 

So, that’s a wrap, folks. Now you know what to avoid on your travels into the great outdoors! Have you seen any of these animals in person? We’d like to hear about your experience.

The post 15 Dangerous Animals You Should Run Away From first appeared on Blind Side.

The post 15 Dangerous Animals You Should Run Away From appeared first on Blind Side.

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